Who we are

Inspire to Rise is a non-profit initiative founded primarily to aid children and the youth in Ghana and other parts of Africa into realizing their identity, potential and place in society. We serve by executing community projects that seek to educate, mentor and impact the lives of youth. We help build their physical and mental skills, as we believe that an empowered generation makes the world a better place. We believe that every child/youth deserves a good future. Consequently, we give the youth a healthy start in life. We do whatever it takes to help equip them for the future. Over the years, we reached several school pupils directly through various activities.

What we do
We believe that the best way to unlock human potential is through the power of creative collaboration. That’s why we build partnerships with businesses, NGOs, governments, and individuals everywhere to work faster and better; to find solutions that last; and to transform lives and communities at large from what they are today for the better. Everywhere we go, we try to work ourselves out of a job. Whether it’s improving health, increasing opportunities for girls and boys, reducing childhood obesity, menstrual hygiene education and preventable diseases, creating economic opportunities and growth, or helping communities to curb absenteeism in schools.

Interesting things to note…
What began as one woman’s drive to help people everywhere, grew quickly into a foundation committed to helping children/youth realize their full potential.

To educate and empower youth to become responsible citizens and live their lives to the fullest.
To see every youth attains their full potential and contribute to making the world a better place.

Aims and Objectives:


  • To use education as a powerful tool for empowering youth in life.
  • Teaching youth to live a purposeful life through service to God and country.


  • To be an advocate for youth suffering from child’s domestic violence and other physical and mental abuse of all kinds.
  • To instill high self-esteem and promote collectivism among youth.

Social Change

  • Looking into areas where change is relevant in our society and contributing actively to making a positive difference.
  • Mobilizing resources for community projects that impact on youth.


  • To provide youth with opportunities to grow intellectually and explore their creative skills.
  • To mentor youth to become better citizens in future

Inspire to Rise Moments:

Meet the Professionals – “Whatever you do in your learning years will have an impact in your ending years. All things can be achieved if you are focused during your learning years” – Mr Michael Ohene-Effah, International Development Consultant & Co-Founder, LeadAfrique International

This year we marked the Menstrual Hygiene Day at the Zimmerman Presbyterian Chapel at Krobo Odumase in the Eastern Region. See more here…

UNICEF Ghana’s  Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) campaign launched at Accra Technical Training Center, organized to educate and empower girls with knowledge on good menstrual hygiene practices. MHM Ambassador and Founder of Inspire to Rise – Wendy Atswei Laryea with participants.

Meet the Professionals: “Life is a gift, and it offers us the privilege, opportunity, and responsibility to give something back by becoming more.” – Anthony Robbins. Inset: Kwasi Owusu-Achaw (CEO – Delcielo Optical Services) educating girls on the importance of proper eye care on the International Day of the Girl Child 2017.

Meet the Professionals – Sports broadcaster Yaw Ampofo Ankrah’s moment with pupils. He admonished them to be disciplined, and read more and read wide. 

Inspire to Rise marks World Scoliosis Day at the Kanda Cluster of Schools in Accra in partnership with Scoliosis Foundation Ghana and the Foundation of Orthopedics and Complex Spine (FOCOS). A total of 221 pupils were screened with 1 suspected case. 


Meet the Professionals – Lebogang Chaka, Chairperson, Thabo Mbeki African Leadership Institute Alumni Forum Interacting with pupils at the Kanda Cluster of Schools. She encouraged them to aspire to be anything the wanted to be.

Meet the Professionals – “Always have a right attitude and a goal. Be a solution not a problem.” – Charis Joshua Debrah, CEO Adepa Shoes.

Meet the Professionals – “To achieve your goal, focus on it.” – Lawyer Benedicta Armah

Meet the Professionals – “Your starting point shouldn’t be your determining factor. You can always be a success.” –  Supt. Cephas Arthur, Commander, East Legon District Command.

Got a message for us? Let us know…

(+233) 550 144 114        info@inspiretorise.org